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We live in a world where there is so much attention in how we look from the outside. How we portray ourselves is very important to us and most of us spend so much money into make up or clothing. The questions we get asked :
How tall or short are you ?
How do you get your teeth white?
Do you contour your face ?
How big are your heels ?
Is your hair long ?
Are you wearing a corset?
Come on guys it's the 21st century how we look from the outside is very much of a concern to the society out there. They are so obsessed in what they can see with there eyes . We often do things to please others and most of the time we are unhappy with ourselves .
Media can lower someone's self esteem and self image . We try to create an image we are not happy about . We force ourselves to do such things . These however are normal , being a women is all it is . All women want to feel amazing and look good . They want their skin to look flawless. You get a spot on your forehead and stare at it for days torturing it until it disappears . Sleepless nights scrolling up and down on your phone screen trying to figure out ways to get rid of them. We look at all these celebrities and people in the media and try and copy what they do in order to fit in and be on trend . Having a small waist and being big on certain areas is what they care about . Being a size zero is what everyone after. I mean plastic surgeries are very popular nowadays .
Media has a huge impact on that. I believe external beauty fades overtime , it's how we take care of our body internally is what really counts . Our lifestyle plays a huge role on our body , what we eat, drink and do makes a difference . If the internal part of our body is treated with a bit of TLC then you will automatically get a beautiful appearance from the outside . And yes the eye bags , thinning hair , blurred eyesight and haha the common one everybody faces, tummy like an inflated balloon because we have been overeating or just being lazy . The lifestyle choices we make when we are young is very important because when we get older they do affect us . Gucci or Chanel ain't gonna do you good. Buying the most expensive makeup or clothing ain't gonna last you very long unless you treat your body right .
Yes I know it's a pain to get rid of the bad habits snacking on McDonalds yes it's rewarding but not healthy at all , not exercising at all , 24/7 scrolling up and down on Facebook in the middle of the night where your eyes are screaming for sleep, glaring into the bright screen when you should be relaxing . We forget the importance of fitness and health. We have so many imperfection we want to cover up so here are a list of things you can do to lead an active lifestyle :
• You want to have amazing skin but you do not hydrate yourself enough. Plenty of water is all you need for amazing skin . I cannot express how important water is for your body . Keep a water bottle with you everywhere and trust me you will have more water than you usually do.
Those flabs ain't gonna go unless you do some sort of exercise . It is really important to get your blood circulation going for a healthier lifestyle . You know research actually shows running reduces the risk of cancer . It prevents obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure etc. Scientists have said that running vastly improves the quality of your emotional and mental life . It also helps you live longer.
• Walk
Okay this is the most easiest form of exercise anyone can ever do . Just take a few minutes out of your day and go on a walk . It can be either to a local park or anywhere you fancy . It's going to be hard if you have a car because you will take the lazy route so I suggest park your car further away from your destination so you can walk more . Avoid going on lifts and take the stairs. Apparently taking around 30minutes brisk walking everyday can actually help you sleep better and also helps tighten your stomach muscles . There are a number of benefits of walking but hey I can't go on forever ... So the next one is ..
• Do your house chores
This is once again an easy way to be active .
How many times have you watched your favourite program on the couch waiting eagerly until the super long advert finishes. Instead of just sitting there get up and start doing some squats or even slow jogging. Often you rely on your mum or your siblings to take care of the mess . Why don't you start hoovering and set ur self a goal and finish it off . Get the reward of appreciation from others . Let me tell you this is 2 in 1 workout both arms and legs hehe.
• Get some fresh air
The world is so big out there . Why don't you take your kids out for a walk or the park . Spend some quality time with your family. It could either be a theme park , restaurant , beach , shopping etc. Stop being boring and have days where you get to go out and have fun . This will take your mind of things and help you from stress.
• Last but not least COMMITMENT
Without commitment you cannot achieve anything in life !! Set your self goals and reach it .
Comment below on how you keep your body healthy
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